Email Header Image
Janaya Fix - Product Management
Merged in a post:
Notification email
Frank Sirianni
I need to have the picture removed that shows up on the emails that are sent out. I do single home inspections.
Will Singer
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Jim Eime
Really like the looks of the new program and notifications. However, about 30% of what I do is Commercial. The photos on the notification emails show beautiful residential homes which is not appropriate for commercial clientele. More than once I have had clients complain about some "... inexperienced home inspector who had no business doing commercial work!" Is there a way to either develop custom notifications with city scapes or other commercially oriented pictures? Or an option for no picture at all?
Thank you!
Ken Minas
Thank you 🙏
Janaya Fix - Product Management
Janaya Fix - Product Management
Merged in a post:
More control over template emails
Rosalie Krenger
Including being able to remove the banner image, resize log, the text on buttons (e.g. agreement link button always shows "Agreement1") and change subject lines.