Copy/paste option for category
in progress
Janaya Fix - Product Management
Merged in a post:
Copy a line between categories
Jeff Mudlin
I'd like to be able to copy a line between categories. Windows appear in different categories, and I'd like to be able to easily take the comments I wrote in one and put them in other categories.
Janaya Fix - Product Management
Merged in a post:
Move Water Heater into its own Category
James Lemmerman
Move Water Heater or similar lines and all it's questions and answers into its own Category. When it transferred from version 8 it became a huge mess to deal with. Cut and paste would be the easiest way with a large library
Will Singer
in progress
James Lemmerman
Will Singer I see that this copy paste has been an issue since September of 2023. Silvia calls me once in a while and always asks how its going and its always the same answer and she probably hates to hear it ALL the time. Absolutely Terrible !!! Copy and pasting lines into a new category is a HUGE DEAL. When I have multiple apartments, additional outbuildings that are not garages or Motels that have mini camps I'm always making alterations. Being able to basically re-create a revised template on the spot with new category's and lines where the library will move with it is a MASSIVE DEAL. I told her that if I was in-charge it would be all hands on deck to solve this problem. Is there anything new??
Will Singer
Merged in a post:
Copying categories
Janaya Fix - Product Management
Suggested to have a "copy category" line
Johnny Red
I am in the app, in my template and I do not see a copy function??? Could we get some guidance?
Will Singer
Johnny Red: Hi Johnny - the work is complete in the web Report Writer and will be in the app soon. Sorry for marking it complete prematurely.
Janaya Fix - Product Management
Great News! We released an enhancement to the Web Report Writer that allows you to copy a category while you are writing the report.
Lisa Baker - Can you add a link to the support article?
Jeff Mudlin
Janaya Fix - Product Management Can you please add this option to individual comments? Or individual sections within the category. I don’t want to duplicate a bedroom to make it a bathroom, but being able to copy the window section or the door or the electrical sections and put them in other categories would be so helpful.. especially after your template has been already written.
The duplicate option is great to see, but when you duplicate it, it stays in that category. Don’t need to duplicate a section in a category, I need that section in a different category.
Thanks for your continued updates. Now how’s the flash coming for the camera??
Janaya Fix - Product Management
in progress
Will Singer
This is on it's way! I saw a demo today of how we will make it easy to duplicate your categories and lines. I can't wait for you all to see it!
Jeff Mudlin
Will Singer: Thank you.. Hopefully when you copy a category, you can edit just one of the categories, without it affecting the original category.
Also.. Please please get a flash option on the camera. On, Off and Auto.. and if we could take the picture in portrait with the volume buttons.. that would be swell!
Jeff Mudlin
Will Singer Still working on this? We can Duplicate, but not copy
Will Singer
Jeff Mudlin - Hi Jeff - What would copy allow you to do that duplicate doesn't?
Jeff Mudlin
Will Singer For example. Every room has an window, door electrical section. If I hit duplicate of the window in a bedroom, that doesn’t help me duplicate that into the bathroom or the living room section. It just creates another window in the bedroom. I know you can copy and paste the comments and create a new comments, but, if that section has a rating and a informational photo, then you don’t have to enter all of that again. I have 17 potential comments in the bedroom window section with ratings. Had I been able to copy the window line from a bedroom, and paste it in the kitchen or other room, that’s a huge time saver.
Will Singer
Jeff Mudlin: Hi Jeff. I created a separate feedback for you with this request.
FYI: Camera flash is officially In progress now.
Will Singer
Categories too